We had a very magical and wintery Laternenfest on 4 August 2018, this time at 4EB Radio Station at Kangaroo Point, under the glittery lights of the story bridge. Lots of Germans and Germany fans came to celebrate a winter festival with German food and delicious Gluehwein, music by the wonderful Vic Tromp, faceprinting and of course the bargain hunters delight of our German book stall. It was a beautiful night and the children loved showing off their handmade lanterns and singing German St Martins songs during our parade down to Captain Burke Park. We stood around the beautiful fairly light tree and it felt truly magical.
A big DANKE to 4EB for hosting us at their venue – we loved the new location and are looking forward to more joint activities in the future. And of course a really big DANKE to all the volunteers who worked hard to make this event as wonderful as it was.